The Power of Creative Exploration
Creative exploration is a powerful tool for unlocking genius. It is the process of pushing the boundaries of your chosen medium, exploring new techniques and styles, and consistently honing your craft. It is the key to creating masterpieces and achieving greatness.
Let's take a musician as an example. The limitations are the medium they use for expression, such as music. The consistency is the genre or style in which they use their medium of choice. Then, by consistently practicing that particular medium, they can get better and push the boundaries of their chosen style. This is the fine line between mediocrity and genius.
Don't Stray too Far from Your Roots
This formula can be applied to any creative field, from chefs to painters to photographers. Exploration can be a different medium, such as a photographer becoming a filmmaker or writer. But there must always be consistency, and that consistency is up to you to decide. However, it is important to remember not to stray too far away from your roots, as this can lead to a loss of audience or identity.
Repetition and Monotony are the Death of Creativity
When it comes to culture or moving the needle forward, we need to try different things, remixing the old ways into new. Think of a boring day in your life, and then think of an exciting day in your life. I bet 100% that the exciting day was different from your normal day-to-day. Something had changed, something was different. Challenging, hard to achieve, or adventurous. The same can be said about creativity. Repetition and monotony are the death of creativity. Doing anything over and over again removes novelty, freshness or interest. Your curiosity dwindles.
Change, but with Limitations
We must change something. Try something new every so often and challenge ourselves to new endeavors. Be it trying a new medium like writing, video or music. Try new techniques or styles in the medium of your choice. Say taking photos at only 50m focal length, or capture an event at only 1/15 of a second shutter speed. Only focusing at 2 meters. Different limitations force creativity. Something new but only slightly, or something new that is limiting. Like only creating a garment with paper instead of fabric. Or creating a piece of music but only using loop vocals. Keep your consistency and your identity to an extent. Limit yourself in new ways, and see what happens. Force the uncomfortable, make artificial challenges.
So go out there, experience something new, try something new, experiment, and explore. Just don't do it to the extremes, unless you want to. Change, but with forced limitations is a good thing. See what happens, remix something old and something new. Combine two concepts or ideas. Write how you feel while you're taking the photo, listen to only one song when creating art. Only paint at 5am in the morning. Only paint or draw with the colour blue. Drink tea while creating and then stain your work with the very tea you are drinking. The possibilities are endless. I implore you to try something or adopt a new concept into your existing medium. Play, try, fail, have fun and create. Because inside all of us is a genius. We just need to give our genius the time and space to play beyond our everyday norms. Because creative exploration creates genius.
Creative exploration is a powerful tool for unlocking our inner genius. It is the process of pushing the boundaries of our chosen medium, exploring new techniques and styles, and consistently honing our craft. It is the key to creating masterpieces and achieving greatness. By consistently practicing our chosen medium, we can get better and push the boundaries of our chosen style. We must change something, try something new every so often and challenge ourselves to new endeavors. Different limitations force creativity, and by combining two concepts or ideas, we can create something new and exciting. Repetition and monotony are the death of creativity, so it is important to explore and experiment. We must not stray too far away from our roots, but at the same time, we must not be afraid to push the boundaries of our creativity.