If you want to find your calling, your passion, your purpose ask this simple question.
If you want to find your calling, your passion, your purpose, I suggest you try everything that sparks your interest. And over time, ask yourself this simple question.
Humans are so resilient, fail, get up keep going forward, if your starving, you better believe you will do anything to feed yourself.
Now take that same drive to survive and channel it into what you really really want. because lets be honest, your doing tell, your reading this, you prosperously have a roof over your head, and access to running water and the ability to obtain food. these are all necessary to live a comfortable life. And you have them.
Why does everyone want to become a working powerhouse, a productivity machine? We all know we are animals and need rest, sleep, recovery, joy, support, and time to process. If you are on 24/7 or working non-stop from 9-5 plus overtime, you are burning the candle at both ends.
I don't think I am a very consistent man.
I work out three times a week.
I write almost daily.
I don't practise my sport every week.
And I definitely don't take photos every day.
The problem isn't that I don't have enough time or money, or the right gear, or even that life gets in the way. My problem is me, and anything else is an excuse.
Power, control, knowledge
How can such a small device hold so much, do so much, control so much?
We live in a time where information and knowledge are abundant, but the facts and truths are diluted with opinions and idealism.
Some of us have thrived in the information age, some of us just exist, and some of us have been left behind, clinging to the romanticism of the old.
I find myself in the middle: some things I love, some things I hate, and some things I am so abundantly aware of that I avoid them as best I can.
Golden Handcuffs
Do you feel stuck, like you could be doing more, doing something more fulfilling, a job or career that brings you closer to your dream life, but it’s just that your current one is so demanding? Or do you feel that you just don’t have the time to do, study, work, or create the life you truly want?
The erosion of quality in modern consumer goods
We live in a world where quality no longer seems to matter as much as it once did. A recent visit to a high-end clothing store revealed this stark reality. While my wife was browsing, I decided to count how many loose threads I could find on the new garments on display. The sheer number was shocking. This observation is not just about clothing; it reflects a broader trend affecting many products and services.
The spaghetti test, crafting your path to content creation success
Choosing a system for content creation is like throwing spaghetti at a wall, hoping one piece sticks out of the hundred. Finding one that resonates with you, whether it's a specific software, pen, style, or platform, doesn't matter; what matters is committing to it consistently.
My late-night epiphany, whilst look inside a barren fridge and choosing a path of self-improvement or something
It's 11:13 pm, and I'm hungry. The only source of light is coming from the TV across the room; it dancing like ripples of sunlight reflecting off a pool, all over the kitchen walls. I'm dragging my feet as if they have weights attached, like some productivity guru. I finally get to the fridge. I swing it open, and as the beam of light hits my half-closed retinas, I flinch violently. It takes me a moment to adjust as I rub my eyes half-heartedly. I peer into the fridge, and all I see are instant foods, if anything is in there at all, nothing healthy that is for sure. I contemplate what I can make with what's left of this barren wasteland, something that would put a middle-aged man to shame, knowing how empty his fridge is. Then it hits me—why do I feel like complete and utter crap? Why is opening a fridge and just trying to exist so darn hard?
When those we love lose their way, when to walking away or helping them
Have you ever looked up to someone and, over time, realised that they have changed? Their views and opinions of the world become narrow-minded and no longer take into consideration the bigger picture, the don't consider the minority, or the average Joe. And now you see them for who they have become, and it no longer resonates with you. Like a bad taste in your mouth from trying something nostalgic from a time lost. I can see and understand how someone can change for the worse. I have sympathy for someone who has lost their way, blinded by the lights of recognition, attention and toxicity.
Embracing leisure without the side hustle agenda
The idea that whatever you do needs to benefit culture or your wallet is super, super soul-destroying because your measurement of worth is tied to external performance that you don't have control over, for internal self-validation. I have had a lot of hobbies in my life; I've tried many things. And the only hobbies that have lasted are the ones I never tried to turn into a side hustle. Let me explain.
Breaking the burnout cycle, a story of burnout, change, and growth
Have you ever felt like you are stuck, but at the same time, like you have no energy for anything else but work, survive, and repeat? This perpetual treadmill of getting up, going to work, going home to recharge or unwind, then going to bed late and repeating it all over again. This is our lives in a small studio apartment (nutshell) - the life of nothing changing, and days blending into themselves while we wait for the weekend. But that weekend isn't to have fun, but to recharge and relax so we can do it all over again. This was my life for 4-5 years straight. Then something happened: I had my third burnout and health breakdown in one year, and something had to change.
30 rules for a happier, healthier, more meaningful you
The thirty rules, habits, and guidelines that helped me build my life—a life of purpose, contentment, and happiness. It's a funny thing because happiness is subjective, and purpose is vastly different depending on who you talk to. But there are some basic pillars to build a good life, and most of them require little to no money at all. All they require of you is time—time to invest in yourself. Time for just you. And once you dedicate those hours every day solely for yourself, everything else in your life flourishes. You begin to see that it was there all along, and everyone was saying the same thing. It just wasn't as flashy, glamorous, sexy, or innovative. In saying all this, here are the thirty rules I live by that have made my life that little bit more meaningful, happier, and better overall. You might not agree with them all, but here might be something in here that inspires you to adopts some of them into your life. In no particular order
Philosophy of simplicity, conquering procrastination
Want a better life? Want to change who you are or where you are, or where your headed right now? It's simple; I'll say it again, it's simple, but it isn't easy. Nothing worth doing is easy; otherwise, everyone would be doing it. So the first thing we have to do every morning is simple; we have to do something hard, something discomforting. We have to eat the frog; we have to get up early, go to the gym, eat that boring healthy food, we have to study. In order to change our situation, we have to do something about it, and we start with something hard every morning.
A reflection on time, hope, and patience
You can tell someone's contentment and level of perseverance by how often they look at their watch. Someone who has hope, and sets their life by the clock, will always be dissatisfied with the outcome, or wasted time. Because they are not in control of the outcome or when it will be, but the watch makes them think they are.
Breaking age barriers, embracing the journey of personal growth
Do you feel like you're too old or not old enough to do something? Maybe you're thinking to yourself it's too late to change careers or that at your age, you don't have enough experience to share your ideas and thoughts. You could even be someone who thinks they just can't learn something new at your age, that it will take too long. Age doesn't matter; what matters is when you start playing.
Earth, a shared home or narcissistic playground?
The problem with how we run the world is that we are fundamentally narcissistic. The dictionary defines narcissists as "people that have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance." This is how every political group, ruler, country, and state perceives themselves in the world. I know what is right, and anything that challenges me or my beliefs is considered wrong and a threat to my way of life. We treat the world like a stereotypical narcissist, using others to achieve our goals and discarding them when they are no longer useful or benefit us. That is narcissism through and through.
Now, instead of imagining using another person or gain or control, consider…
Navigating desires, pleasure, ambition, and a balanced life
Have you ever just jumped into something feet first, all in, and failed? Have you tried to change and then, after a period of time, reverted back to your old ways? Not because you wanted to, but because it was just easier to be your old selves than this new version you aspired to be. Maybe you did keep with your goals, but because of this, everything fell to the wayside, and now all you have are fewer hours of sleep, more work, and less time for the things you enjoyed in the first place.
The paradox of professionals, simplifying the complex
"If you can't explain it simply, then you don't know it well enough." This quote from Albert Einstein resonates with me all the time when I'm trying to learn something or find information. Much of the content out there is unnecessarily prolonged to fill in time, as if there's an insecurity with the author that if they can't turn an idea into 300 pages, then people will not take them seriously. The opposite is true; when you are concise and careful with your words, getting straight to the point, people take you very seriously. So why is there so much noise, fluff, and filler content out there?
From chaos to clarity, why we need philosophy
So why do we need philosophy? Well, have you ever gotten home and just thought, 'What am I doing with my life?' My life sucks; I have to do this, go here, pay this bill. I'm not happy; I hate my life or I'm angry at my partner who never does the dishes or helps with the kids. If you have felt this way, so have a billion other people, not to mention all the people throughout history. For me, I wanted to control my thoughts and feelings; I wanted to have autonomy over my brain and all its monkey mind tendencies, like desire, envy, lust, and ego. Well, philosophy can help you with all that and more.