Let your subconscious take over your photographs

Once you subconsciously realise that when you are taking photos without a desire or theme; it's then when we go through our edit and our archive that we start to see melodies throughout our work. Be a spectator to your instances, and let go of theory, rules and guidelines. That is when you start to notice, your voice was there all along hidden in your spontaneous subconscious mind.

It takes time to find your voice, but if you embrace a kind of spontaneity that entices you to take a photograph of something. It's here when you just take a photograph without thought, giving your voice a stage, offering it the freedom to find itself. Go with the flow, explore it, follow it, sit with it. Don't dismiss something just because it doesn't fit into your rule of thirds or has enough contact or you can't pull focus. Let chaos rise to show you the serendipity of creativity. The only time you should use your logical brain is in the editing room. When photographing, open your eyes to what might happen in front of you in the moment over, goals, objectives and intentions.

Anyone that shoots with a fixed focal length for an extended period of time will understand. You start to notice you naturally see the world through that focal length. Your mind's eye can compose and frame a shot without putting the camera up to your eye. You become balanced and connected with how your camera lens see the world. Viewing the world with this limited photographer's eye over time; will help your subconscious show us how you see your surroundings along with matching your personality and aesthetic.

Letting go of your logical brain helps you see the reflection of who you truly are through your work. Giving up control, letting go of rules, and giving into spontaneity opens the door to your subconscious eye. Helping you understand who you truly are as a photographer.


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Queen Elizabeth II's and the cameras she used