Why I got rid of my photography gear. (revisited)

Why I got rid of my photography gear. (revisited)

I had everything I could ever need, all the dream gear. Broncolor lighting, the latest professional Canon cameras along with all the faster canon lenses. I had the latest Apple laptop, tethering equipment, software, c-stands, tripods, light modifiers, Polaroid cameras, all the gear I could have ever dreamed of. I had it all, and at that time it was good, better than good it was extraordinary. So why did I later decide to get rid of everything I work so hard to obtain, and only after a few years after having it?

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One camera one voice
Philosophy, Thoughts Philosophy, Thoughts

One camera one voice

I only use one camera body and one lens, because I only have one voice and one point of view. Most photographers use a variety of equipment and effects to best capture a subject. To say something unique and different for each moment. Wanting to tell a story in a unique way from everyone else. But is this necessary, isn't your point of view enough?

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The number one challenge
Education Education

The number one challenge

One camera, one lens, one film/preset, one year. The number one photography challenge is as simple as that, and at the same time incredibly difficult as well. This challenge at the end of it, promises to change your approach and style as a photographer. I originally got the idea from David Brommer and tweaked it a little. Originally the idea was to find your style but I turned it into a way to simplify a photographers workflow, style and life.

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