Subconscious writing
This is an attempt at writing down my thoughts as they come to me. The idea of subconscious writing alludes me. These words, where are they coming from? When have I heard them, or thought of them? Is it possible that just the act of writing brings them into existence? Which brings me to the question, why do we do the things we do? Where do thoughts and ideas come from? How am I and what makes me; me?

Why do we always go back to our default?
What do I mean by this? default in the dictionary terms means to fail financially. But in terms of creativity, it means to me, your normal, your nature, your baseline, your go-to. And as creative's, we strive to better ourselves, push the bounders to express or change the way we see and think all the time. So why do most of us, do the same thing over and over again. Why are we so consistent with our default way of creating?