The Allure of the 50mm Lens

The Allure of the 50mm Lens

For the longest time, I never knew precisely why I adored the 50mm lens. Shooting with it felt utterly natural; I could envision the image in my mind before even raising the camera to my eye. I used to think it might have been a learned habit. After all, I shot with a 50mm lens exclusively so I know it inside and out. But I've recently discovered that the 50mm lens offers something truly unique.

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Buy the camera you'll use, not the camera you want.

Buy the camera you'll use, not the camera you want.

I see too many photographers worry about their gear over capturing the image. As photographers we love gear, we love buying it, talking about it, reading about it and writing about it. Owning, researching and showcasing photography gear in itself is a hobby. I've met so many photographers with far better and newer gear than me. Amateurs normally have better gear than me. But I'll tell you one thing, I'm not afraid to use it, and sacrifice my camera if I must for that perfect shot.

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The best point-and-shoot camera I've owned
Education, Thoughts Education, Thoughts

The best point-and-shoot camera I've owned

I've been around for a while; all 36 years, and during that time I've accumulated and used a number of point-and-shoot cameras, from the film days to the adoption of digital. And I can honestly say after using, Yashica, Ricoh, Leica, Fuji, Kodak, Olympic, Canon & Contex my favourite point-and-shoot camera can be summed up into these categories; ease of use, quality, features and size. It would have to be the…

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The great debate
Education Education

The great debate

Film vs Digital. Full frame vs Cropped sensor & fixed vs zoom lenses. Which is best and which one should you use or get? I'm going to put this debate to rest with real-world states and in-field options from professional uses.

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Technology has no soul
Philosophy Philosophy

Technology has no soul

As soon as you start talking about the technical side of photography you start turning away from the most important aspect of photos, telling stories. Technology is and isn't important when it comes to photography. No one care what camera or lighting you used except other photographers. I'm a big believer in the older you get the wiser you get, the less insecure you get, and the less you care about gear. Technology has no soul and here is why.

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What if we all had the same gear?
Philosophy, Thoughts Philosophy, Thoughts

What if we all had the same gear?

What if you had the same camera, lighting and subject matter as everyone else. A groundhog day for a photographer so to speak. If we all have the same gear what would make you different? “Imagine you had no way of visually showing someone any of your work, and they ask you to describe what you’re about, not your genre, but what is the essence of what you’re trying to achieve?” This quote from Katy Niker is something we should all think about and consider when pressing the shutter button. What is it that you're trying to achieve beyond visuals?

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Find your Zen camera
Education Education

Find your Zen camera

When I talk to people about gear, what they think they need, want or have, I find that it consistently changes from person to person. Most peoples dream camera changes from year to year. So how do you get over Gear Acquisition Syndrome (G.A.S) and find your Zen camera?

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