I've developed depression
Thoughts Thoughts

I've developed depression

I have developed depression from my workplace. I don't feel valued by the company and they have made it pretty clear that my future there is stagnant without changing my role or climbing the corporate ladder. I'm a creative, and have never wanted to become a suit at a desk. You know those corporate suits that justify their existence by how many meetings they have to go to. No thanks, that's not for me.

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The problem when you work for money
Thoughts Thoughts

The problem when you work for money

I’m a full-time photographer, I take photos for a living. It’s my main source of income. Its how I pay the rent, keep the lights on and put food on the table. The problem when you work for money, specifically when you get paid for your photography, is that you are no longer in full control.I bet a lot of you will counter-argue that you get to choose your clients, and you get to express your creativity. How and what you shoot and what you let out into the world is filtered through you. I get that, your not wrong. But when you exchange your services for some kind of transaction there is an expectation, and agreement, and understanding or contract. Agreeing to provide your services instantly limits you. Now limitations are great, they help creativity, they force you to think outside the box. But getting paid for your services also pigeonholes you into a specific expectation. You no longer have freedom.

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