The only camera I need
Thoughts Thoughts

The only camera I need

They say the tool isn't as important as the craftsman holding it, but it sure does make their life easy when its a good one. I've gone through my fair share of cameras and brands before I finally stumbled upon my camera of choice the Leica M, my Zen camera. Because holding it and using it becomes so peaceful and intuitive. I know every dial, button and movement. The camera really becomes an extension of your hand and eye. I can't explain the feeling you get when using a Leica M, it's addictive. Having a tool that makes my life easy and helps me work more effortlessly, is Zen to me.

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Being original isn't easy
Philosophy Philosophy

Being original isn't easy

Quantity always trumps quality. In a book called Art of fear by David Bayles & Ted Orland. They write about an experiment. A ceramics teacher divided a class into two groups. One group would be graded on quantity and the other group on quality. The ones being graded on "quality" produced only one pot. While the "quantity" group was churning out

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The perfect camera
Thoughts Thoughts

The perfect camera

The perfect camera - Cameras are like cars, vans & trucks. There are so many to choose from, be it performance, price, use, style the list goes on. No matter what model you get there will always be a new one next year. But vehicles all do the same basic thing, they take you from A to B, that's the primary usage. The same can be said for cameras, there are so many to choose from that all look, and do something slightly different.

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