How you spend your days is how you spend your life
This is something I constantly think about. And wonder if the way that I live my life is enough? Is it OK to write my thoughts here, take some photos, work and pay my bills? Nothing more nothing less. Is that ok to have an underwhelming, mediocre life?

A simple way to organise your life
It starts with tracking your life and obligations. However, if you choose to track or write down your obligations the better. We want as least friction and distraction as possible. If someone says an event is happing on this date. You need a system to record that event and date it with ease. An just as easily retrieve that data and see it on a regular base. "If you want to master a habit, the key is to start with repetition, not perfection. You don’t need to map out every feature of a new habit. You just need to practice it." - James Clear

What is wrong with living a life of mundanity?
What is wrong with living a life of mundanity? Why always strive to make a difference, to create, to have a legacy? Why do we believe that we must be more than what we are? Why do we subconsciously strive to live past our own lifespan? Is it possible to accept our average life like an ant in a colony, a bee in a hive? We are just a tiny aspect. So why do we feel shame and guilt when we just live; and experience, void of productivity?

No one knows what they are doing
When you realise no one knows what they are doing, and no one has it figured out. and the majority are just regurgitating what they have seen or been taught. Life is real but our reality is entirely fiction. Why is it that if you say something enough time for a substantial period of time you become an expert on the subject? Someone is an expert; know they just did one thing many times. They might not be the best or great but just the fact that they have done that one thing for an extended period of time makes them an expert.

How does one take care of themselves so you last?
Isn't it crazy how easy and simple it is to take care of yourself? But for some reason, we don't do it, mainly because we think it is hard and that well-doing these things aren't entertaining or rewarding enough for the amount of energy it requires to form it into a good habit.

Life, randomness and sales
We all like to think that life is guided, destiny or gods will. But in truth life is random. The counter-argument is I make my own luck or I have worked hard to get to where I am. I met the love of my life, it was meant to be. But statistically, to find your ideal partner it's only 1 in 100. Knowing this you could successfully find the ideal partner for you to mate with, marry or find your so-called soul mate in the dating game. Not very romantic but never the less true. The same goes for your success, statistics never lie, they just aren't sexy.

As creatives, we all go in and out of phases. Be it trying something new, putting a twist on previous work to outright stopping our practice to follow other endeavours. We buy new gear in hopes it will change something, be it adopt a new way to look at things. Whatever you're going through or been through we all have Phases.

Does your morning route dictate your success
When I think about the word success, I visualise working hard, getting recognition, creating a business, a product or service that hundreds or millions of people use. But what do successful people do to help them achieve their goals, What are their key routine habits that lead them to success?