Future of media
Thoughts Thoughts

Future of media

It has come to my attention that our current social media and life on the internet is changing. We as people are getting more and more unfiltered content directly to us. We are also getting more raw and real reactions and responses. We as people have got to a point where we can openly express ourselves, open the flood gates as someone might say of emotion and vulnerability. So what does this mean, where are we going?

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Why you should stop consuming the News
Thoughts Thoughts

Why you should stop consuming the News

If we take a step back what is the purpose of the News? Down to its very core, what helps news make money? Since newspaper sales are on the decline, selling the news directly to the consumer is a dying form of income. So the way News keeps afloat is through advertisements. Keeping your attention, keeping you engaged with watching, reading, to effectively sell you more ads. That is the core job of the news. Remove your old ideals about informing its citizens and educating the masses on current events, that is what the news used to be. That's a romantic's way of looking at why the news exists, lets get real the news primary job is to sell ads now.

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