How reading books made me a better photographer

How reading books made me a better photographer

Over the past year, I fell away from photography, I did it for a job daily. When it came to my personal work I completely stopped. I no longer cared about a camera on my person when I walked out the front door. I stopped reading books and stopped working out. I did my job and went home, and my personal drive for development and creativity dried up. It wasn't until I started reading books again that something changed.

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Walking to work

Walking to work

After dealing with a period of depression I decided to go back to my roots and the way things were. And one of the transitions was walking to work again in the morning. Now walking to work is a privilege I know this. At the same time, it is tremendously time-consuming. I lose about two hours of my day walking, where I could save that by driving to work or taking public transport. But the time vs cost against reward is so worth it and where is what I get out by adding 2 hours of me to my commute.

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Well-being and mental health
Thoughts Thoughts

Well-being and mental health

I see there is a fundamental flow with our current society and it is changing for the better. There are so many of us who focus on productivity and growth and work and building a business or career. But very few of us focus on our wellbeing or the wellbeing of others around us. I have been in so many meetings that aren't volunteer about work structure, processes and responsibilities, goals, output etc. I have yet seen emotions or feelings or mental health be the focus. It's always on the fringes or the outskirts, always volunteer or self-driven. This makes me sad, that we live in a business world about profit but not wellbeing.

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