The Importance of Growth Beyond the Individual Image
A.B Watson A.B Watson

The Importance of Growth Beyond the Individual Image

In the world of photography, the focus often centers on the singular image, the standalone photograph. Yet, discussions about the book, the gallery wall, the series, and the editorial are noticeably absent. While striking individual images are encouraged, the power of a series and narrative, guiding the viewer through a cohesive story, is seldom explored. Combining images, strengthening them collectively, and growing beyond the individual is a transformative journey.

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How to find your photography style fast?

How to find your photography style fast?

How to find your photography style fast? Let's not waste any time, what is the most important element in someone's photography style? The quick answer is repetition. What do you do the most and consistently, that will define your style. What comes naturally to you will ultimately become your style. Your default, or to put nicely who you really are and how you see the world will ultimately mould your photography style.

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Teaching photographic style.
Education Education

Teaching photographic style.

I’ve been thinking about photography and personal style and the different ways to teach it. I’m trying to help, share and guide people along their way in finding their unique photographic style. Seeing if I can find that quick fix, that beaten path someone else has already made for us.

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