The dangers of aspiring to be a perfect person
Philosophy, Thoughts Philosophy, Thoughts

The dangers of aspiring to be a perfect person

Be it a healthy person regarding fitness, eating habits. Being it a time-efficient hustler, and productive person. Or be it minimalist, aspiring to consume less and aspire to have only long-lasting high-quality items. To the spiritual or person of faith that preaches their belief without request. There is something about these people that isn't quite right. Something about somebody that labels themselves as (insert aspiration here), that rubs me the wrong way and that is they are generally speaking assholes.

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Mastering the Mind, Overcoming the Challenges of Modern Comfort
Philosophy Philosophy

Mastering the Mind, Overcoming the Challenges of Modern Comfort

We have got to a time in our history that physical comforts, food and leisure are all accessible. We have more than enough to survive. The next obstacle to master and take control of is our minds. Since we have everything we need to survive, we have time to become bored. This is not how humans are supposed to live, we need problems, we need challenges, we need to consume, battle, create and explore. But when everything can be served to you on a silver platter, for a green piece of paper with a number and someone's face on it, we no longer have those challenges we evolved for.

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There is no God, life is meaningless, now what?
Philosophy Philosophy

There is no God, life is meaningless, now what?

Have you ever experience existential dread? You know when you question if your life has any meaning, purpose or value? The answer it an Existentialist like myself is your life is insignificant. Knowing that you're here because of share good luck, and a chain of events outside of your control is, to me at least true freedom. Let me explain.

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Why take photos
Thoughts Thoughts

Why take photos

It’s a hard and easy question, depending on how deep you want to go.Many people want to capture a moment, archive a memory. Some people want to express themselves or other peoples stories. Some want to show you something, be it a travesty or crime to a shiny object to entice you to buy it. For others capturing a photo is meditative or therapy. We all have our own reasons to capture a photo.

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What existentialism taught me about life and photography
Philosophy Philosophy

What existentialism taught me about life and photography

From the philosophers, Jean-Paul Sartre & Albert Camus I've found myself questioning everything in my life regarding existentialism and photography, passion, knowledge, devotion & skill over the past two years, soul searching if you will. What I've learned is there is no purpose or meaning to something unless you give it one. Essentially existentialists believe that an individual has and can control their own free will to choose and act. People make decisions based on what has meaning to them, rather than what is rational. What I mean by this is if your photography makes you happy, then it makes you happy because you give it value and purpose in your life, and that it is of your own free will that you give photography these values.

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Tame your ego to find meaning in your photography
Philosophy Philosophy

Tame your ego to find meaning in your photography

"Nobody cares about your photography" - Ted Forbes.Did that upset you, did that hurt your ego? I’m sorry to say this but once you learn to tame your ego, this idiocracy for delusions of grandeur and entitlement the better. When we dampen our ego and accept what we have, and our current social status, we learn the work is more important than getting likes, and the tools we use.

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