Hero story
Thoughts Thoughts

Hero story

Everyone wants the hero story, everyone wants to be entertained by the extraordinary. The amazing, the talented. But in reality, the extraordinary is a lifetime of doing the same thing over and over again. The hero is a person who didn't ask for glory but was forced onto it through pain and trials.

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'The decisive moment' is killing photography
Thoughts Thoughts

'The decisive moment' is killing photography

The fallacy around 'The decisive moment' is killing photography. Focusing on the one perfect photograph. The image that captures it all. A photograph that not only says a thousand words but a narrative too is in truth, a unicorn, a fallacy, a dream. So why is the decisive moment killing photography?

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What is missing from photography
Education, Thoughts Education, Thoughts

What is missing from photography

It has been bugging me for a while now, there is just something that is missing from photography. From my personal work to the majority of photographers out there. I’m talking about the photos on your feeds, be it personal to commercial. It has been bugging me and I finally found out what it is, what is missing from photography, is stories.

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