How do I find my photography style?
Education Education

How do I find my photography style?

Finding your personal photography styleSo how do I find my photography style? Let me tell you that finding your personal photographic style is like finding Zen or the Holy Grail to photographers, it rarely happens with a quick 15-minute tutorial. For a lot of photographers, it can be a never ending struggle. I have found the key that unlocks the door to your photography style. This door, or should I say process and formula isn’t for everyone, but it worked for me and it might fast track the journey for you.

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The only camera I need
Thoughts Thoughts

The only camera I need

They say the tool isn't as important as the craftsman holding it, but it sure does make their life easy when its a good one. I've gone through my fair share of cameras and brands before I finally stumbled upon my camera of choice the Leica M, my Zen camera. Because holding it and using it becomes so peaceful and intuitive. I know every dial, button and movement. The camera really becomes an extension of your hand and eye. I can't explain the feeling you get when using a Leica M, it's addictive. Having a tool that makes my life easy and helps me work more effortlessly, is Zen to me.

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10 ways to develop your photographic style
Education Education

10 ways to develop your photographic style

First find your zen camera or the model of camera, like the Canon 5D, Leica M, Fuji X100. Whatever it is, find that one camera you love to use, and shoot with it exclusively. In doing this your images will always have a consistent look and feel when it comes to your body of work and long term projects. It's hard to find that perfect camera that's right for you. But once you find a model you enjoy holding in your hands, pressing the shutter button and overall feel, it will liberate you. Once you have a camera that gives you everything you need and nothing more, you have found it. Find your zen camera and only photograph with it, never stray away from it.

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Find your Zen camera
Education Education

Find your Zen camera

When I talk to people about gear, what they think they need, want or have, I find that it consistently changes from person to person. Most peoples dream camera changes from year to year. So how do you get over Gear Acquisition Syndrome (G.A.S) and find your Zen camera?

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