What makes you happy

I've asked myself this question so many times, and I keep coming back to it, time and time again. I love taking photos. I love seeing the end result and enjoying the process of creating images. I know I need to pay the bills and put food on the table. We all work and do those bread-and-butter jobs; I've done my fair share. I want to raise a question we should all ask ourselves: "What makes you happy?"

I personally love taking portraits and producing editorial work. I also enjoy shooting backstage at events, with all the tight deadlines and quick turnarounds of catwalk shows. Capturing the emotional journey towards the end result with complete creative freedom. In contrast, I don't like taking party photos or images around town, even though these are technically portraits. I love a stress-free, relaxed work environment with the exception of documenting backstage events.

Now, how do you find what you love and make a living from it? This is the million-dollar question. Think of yourself as a business providing a service. Think of yourself as a fashion brand. There are so many fashion labels out there, old expensive ones that have been around forever, cheap ones that just do the job, high-quality ones, and local ones just starting out that you want to support. Plus, there are different trends and styles. Find out what your style, genre, market, and whether you enjoy it. You don't want to be a jack of all trades and master of none. You want to specialize in a key subject or genre you enjoy, so when someone needs a wedding or product campaign, they think of you. Remember that your clients will pigeonhole you. You have to accept this; it's called specializing. Be careful where you end up; you want to be passionate about the subject you become known for.

Another thing to consider is whether you are a consumer or a producer. Right now, you're reading this, so you're a consumer, and right now, I'm writing, so I'm a producer. The question to ask is, do you produce work and put it out there, or do you read and buy more things related to photography, making you a consumer? Which one makes you happier? Which one gives you more satisfaction? If it's producing, that's great; you're on the right track towards specializing. If you're a consumer, that's good too, just don't quit your day job, or you won't be able to afford your hobby.

Ask yourself what you like photographing. If you don't know, try a little bit of everything. Remember, everyone starts out as an amateur. Once you find something you love, focus on it, get good at capturing that subject. Think about who your audience is and what you can provide for them if you wish to make this passion your livelihood. How are you different? Is it specializing in one thing, or is it your photographic style? Do you want to provide a service, or do you do it solely for yourself? Once you have answers to these questions, you can determine what makes you happy in photography.


Desire of time


101 things I have learnt about photography in 4 years.