Gear isn't finite

I'm going to show you what gear I use. And I also want you to know that gear isn't finite, it changes over time. And that all this gear that you see in front of you, sure it helps in capturing a picture but isn't the end all be all. Gear, settings, controls, composition, are all concerns of the hobbyist and amateur. They are good to know and important but they aren't what makes a picture great. The story, the meaning, the purpose is what makes an image.

And if you can't get that through your head, you don't understand or if your instant reaction is "Easy for you to say you have a Leica!" Then you will always have that mindset, and no gear in the entire world will ever be good enough for you to start. Because gear is finite, it's evolving and getting better every day. And if your not happy with what you currently have then you'll never be happy with what you get in the future, because there will always be something better.

Sorry, this is a short post but I get getting hate because of the gear I have. Like I'm rich or well off, where in reality I eat rice for lunch for 7 years to afford one Leica secondhand.


Just start and get better later


Why you need to be a photographer