Gear isn't finite
I'm going to show you what gear I use. And I also want you to know that gear isn't finite, it changes over time. And that all this gear that you see in front of you, sure it helps in capturing a picture but it's not the end all be all. Gear, settings, controls, styles, are all concerns of the hobbyist and amateur, they are good to know and important but they aren't what makes a picture great. the story, the meaning, the purpose is what makes an image.

Why I use a Leica Rangefinder
I’ve had a lot of negative feedback about my choice of a camera when compared to alternative brands and image capture devices. All these judgments are valid and have good arguments in regards to the available choices from DSLR, mirrorless, point and shoots or smartphones for that matter. But I thought I would explain my reasoning on why I use a Leica rangefinder.

Looking back at my first camera
It's a humble experience to find your first camera. The camera that started your journey and curiosity in photography. I was curious to find that almost nothing was different from my old camera, regarding specs. The only main thing that changed was that whole film into digital thing, that's about it. So if the only major change in a camera that was released in 1976 to my current camera was the conversion to digital. Why was my photography so different, from inception to present? It made me wonder, I pondered over this revelation, till it came to me. The most important thing to a photographers development was their experiences.

There is something all-newcomer photographers tend to do, they either dream of camera gear or buy a lot of it. When I started in photography I went through the same thing. I thought that I needed all the lenses that my idols used, I believed I needed the biggest megapixel camera, with all the film features just in case a potential client wanted video. But over time with age came wisdom.

Does your morning route dictate your success
When I think about the word success, I visualise working hard, getting recognition, creating a business, a product or service that hundreds or millions of people use. But what do successful people do to help them achieve their goals, What are their key routine habits that lead them to success?

Why I got rid of my photography gear
I had everything I ever needed, all the dream gear, Broncolor lighting, the latest Professional Canon cameras, and all the fastest Canon lenses. I had the latest Apple laptop, C-stands, tripods, all the gear I could ever dream of. I had it all, and at the time it was good. So why did I decide to get rid of everything after only a few years.

Blogging on the go
I try to be as minimalistic as I can when it comes to travel. The less stuff I have to pack and carry the better. At the same time, there are items that make our lives easier. I'm always trying to balance the dilemma between, convenience and essentials.

Being original isn't easy
Quantity always trumps quality. In a book called Art of fear by David Bayles & Ted Orland. They write about an experiment. A ceramics teacher divided a class into two groups. One group would be graded on quantity and the other group on quality. The ones being graded on "quality" produced only one pot. While the "quantity" group was churning out

Photography gear addiction
Photography gear addiction - The dangers that come with photography addiction can be more than just taking up your time. This addiction can turn into gear envy which can put a strain on your bank account.

The perfect camera
The perfect camera - Cameras are like cars, vans & trucks. There are so many to choose from, be it performance, price, use, style the list goes on. No matter what model you get there will always be a new one next year. But vehicles all do the same basic thing, they take you from A to B, that's the primary usage. The same can be said for cameras, there are so many to choose from that all look, and do something slightly different.

Show the world what you want
Show the world what you want - If you want to be known as a specialised photographer, you'll need to start presenting yourself as one. The advantage of doing this is over time if you are consistent your audience will get to know you for it.

Walking in the rain

Why I do it

The road to success is filled with no

Top 10 reasons to use a rangefinder

Downgraded my gear