I'm not shooting enough

I'm not shooting enough photographs. We have all heard the film argument about how it slows you down and you take fewer photos. I get that, but there is a difference between shooting less and shooting a lot and shooting a lot of the same exact scene. Instead of machinegun photographing a subject, take a photograph and recompose to tell a story. What I'm getting at is I'm not taking enough photographs, I'm not producing enough content.

I recently stumbled across Joe Greer, the man is a beast and he shoots and shoots. Now say what you will, but the man is constantly working and putting out content, be it personal, client or commercial. Never the less the man keeps going and going like an energizer bunny. Oh and plus he shoots film & digital, so no excuses. He is my work ethic muse.

There will always be someone out there that is working harder than you, there will always be someone better, more talented, etc. That doesn't mean you should try harder, work more and persist to do better yourself. Joe Greer is my inspiration not because of his photographs but his work ethic, he makes me want to work harder, shot more, produce more, better content.

I almost wish that all the photographers I admire told their story in how they got to where they are. Was it a personal connections, work ethic, skill, style, personality or plain old hard work. Whatever is it I want to learn, I don't want to replicate but rather shine a light on my process and understand a different perspective. I want to know how these people get up in the morning and work, work and keep working? Because I feel like I'm slacking off when it comes to some of the people out there.

So who inspires you, what artists or people out there make you want to better yourself and your craft. Who is the energizer bunny that you want to catch up to?


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