Who is currently inspiring me?
We all have our heroes, the people who inspire us. I have gone through so many; the list keeps changing and rearranging itself. From filmmakers, writers, artists, to photographers. I thought it might be interesting to share the artists who have changed how I take photographs and think about photography.

Poem - Steel lands
God rays bounce off steel mirrorsEveryone walking in digital prayerSuited monks on their daily pilgrimage…

Just start and get better later
Analysis paralysis or plain old fear. Fear of being judged, fear of being ridiculed, fear of failure, fear of not meeting your expectations, plain old fear. Instead of contemplating and overthinking everything to the point of analysis paralysis. Which later turns into a crippling fear, a fear that stops you moving forward towards your dream. Just start and get better later!

Why you need to be a photographer
No one sees the world quite like you. No one is as unique as you. We all have a story, even if we think that story is boring another person might find inspiration or fascination from your unique perspective of this world. If only that, you need to pick up that camera and start showing us what you see. If that's not enough, here are some reason you need to be a photographer.

I'm not shooting enough
I'm not shooting enough photographs. We have all heard the film argument about how it slows you down and you take fewer photos. I get that, but there is a difference between shooting less and shooting a lot and shooting a lot of the same exact scene. Instead of machinegun photographing a subject, take a photograph and recompose to tell a story. What I'm getting at is I'm not taking enough photographs, I'm not producing enough content.

Your average day
Your average day dictates your life. Or to put in in other words Your results are based on your average day. Why does this matter, when the argument about work smarter, not harder is so abundant and work the endless work hacks and outsourcing? The truth is, it's your average day that dictates who you are and your success. It's your average day that leads or puts you in a place so you're ready for that big break or that slow grind to the top.

Homage to landscape photography
It’s one of the main draws of landscape photography, being one with nature at peace away from it all. Away from the grind, gossip and insecurities that come from society. But is this solitude being destroyed by the need for a social like? By other creatives replicating what they have already seen.

Nature for inspiration
I just read a book covering the benefits of nature and how it helps improve human health among many other claims. I’m sure many of you would question or speculate on the validity of these claims and I did too. One thing I did read that interested me, taking a walk in nature, away from the noises and sights of the city along with the absence of digital screens, improves creativity.