Nature for inspiration

I just read a book covering the benefits of nature and how it helps improve human health, among many other claims. I'm sure many of you would question or speculate on the validity of these claims, and I did too. One thing I did read that interested me was that taking a walk in nature, away from the noises and sights of the city, along with the absence of digital screens, improves creativity.

Now I definitely took this book with a grain of salt. I was thinking to myself, a good book, movie, YouTube video, article, gallery, or camera can spark creativity. Why do I need to drive for a few hours through traffic just to experience the great outdoors for this creative boost, so to speak? Knowing me, if I read something that intrigues me, I go from 0 to 100% to see if it has any substance. I started walking to waterfalls on the weekends and took the scenic route to work, and you know what? Something did happen that the book claimed; ideas started to come at me like moths to a flame.

I normally carry around a pen and a notebook just in case I get an idea or need to jot down some important information. Normally, I would maybe go through a notebook once or twice a year. But in the past few months of me walking to work through the local parks and spending time outdoors on weekends, I've filled three notebooks during that time. Now I'm not saying my ideas are great or revolutionary, but the quantity of ideas I've had has doubled in this short span of time. Surely this can't be just a result of spending more time and immersing myself in something as simple as nature?

The book I read was 'The Nature Fix' by Florence Williams. It's a book about scientific studies and research on how nature affects the human brain and our well-being. Now I say this again, take this book and its research with a grain of salt as there is nothing mentioned about these studies being successfully replicated or widely accepted. But through my own personal experiments on myself, I think there is some substance to them that needs to be considered. The benefits I've found include having more ideas, experiencing less stress, less anxiety, a sense of relaxation, increased self-awareness, and a different approach to issues in my life. I have more clarity over possible actions and responses I could take. I feel like walking in nature has the same benefits as meditation or enlightenment. These are broad claims, I know, but this is just my personal experience from increasing the time I spend immersed in nature.

So the next time you have a creative block or get overwhelmed with anxiety or stress, or if you're waiting for an idea to arise or looking for the drive to take that next photo or write that article, consider getting some time away from the hustle and bustle. Go for a walk in a park or drive to your nearest waterfall or trail or go for a hike. This nature thing, it might just surprise you.

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