Philosophy of simplicity, conquering procrastination
Want a better life? Want to change who you are or where you are, or where your headed right now? It's simple; I'll say it again, it's simple, but it isn't easy. Nothing worth doing is easy; otherwise, everyone would be doing it. So the first thing we have to do every morning is simple; we have to do something hard, something discomforting. We have to eat the frog; we have to get up early, go to the gym, eat that boring healthy food, we have to study. In order to change our situation, we have to do something about it, and we start with something hard every morning.
Building resilience, embracing daily challenges
What is the point of doing something hard every single day? The point of it is to build resilience, a mental muscle so that when shit hits the fan, when the going gets tough, we know we can do the hard thing; we can persevere through it. Now, everyone knows something they don't like doing that is good for themselves. For me, it's working out, having an ice bath, eating well. Those things are good for me, and those things I don't terribly like. But I know they are little things that I can do every day that are good for me. And in doing them every day, I can build up resilience, a strong mindset, so when it's needed, I can do whatever is needed of me in tough times.
The simple path to better choices
Why don't we do the things we know are good for us? It's because we think of it as painful; resistance is there. For some of us, reading a book is a struggle; it's painful and boring, and for others, reading a book is leisure, relaxing, and all they want to do. It's the same activity, just a different mindset around that activity. Everything we think about becomes our truth. You know the saying "misery likes company" because without someone to vent to, misery is pointless without sympathy. When we hate something, it's because the alternative is 'easier, not better, easier'. Flip that to 'simple, not easy, simple', and you start to understand what you have to do.
Conquering procrastination
What is that one thing you know you should be doing but you're not? For me, it's going to the grocery store; I hate it because I have to take time out of my day, I have to stop writing, I have to stop focusing on the internal and sit in a moving chair and focus on the traffic in front of me. Then I have to spend money and make micro-decisions about what I need and have to eat. It's mentally draining and a time waste in my mind. But if I don't go, I will have nothing to eat, and I will ultimately have less energy to function if I don't get some health food to cook. Takeaways make my brain and body function suboptimal. What's that one thing you know you should be doing, but you're putting it off?
The simplicity towards growth
It's that simple. The only thing we have to realize is that it's not that easy, and it will take time. But what is the alternative, staying where you are indefinitely, never growing, changing, never becoming a better version of yourself? The alternative is easier, but far more boring and less satisfying in the long run. You know that saying, 'Hard decision easy life, easy decision hard life'. If I did only what was easy, I would have been born and never learned to walk, I would have never learned to read, write, talk, get an education because those things take effort, time, and perseverance. Everything in life that is worth doing takes courage and perseverance.
Please do the hard things because to become what you want, and be is that simple.Realize it's simple; everything in this world is; once you get down to its fundamentals. Want to become a writer? Then start writing. Want to become healthy? Eat those foods. It's that simple.