30 rules for a happier, healthier, more meaningful you

The thirty rules, habits, and guidelines that helped me build my life—a life of purpose, contentment, and happiness. It's a funny thing because happiness is subjective, and purpose is vastly different depending on who you talk to. But there are some basic pillars to build a good life, and most of them require little to no money at all. All they require of you is time—time to invest in yourself. Time for just you. And once you dedicate those hours every day solely for yourself, everything else in your life flourishes. You begin to see that it was there all along, and everyone was saying the same thing. It just wasn't as flashy, glamorous, sexy, or innovative. In saying all this, here are the thirty rules I live by that have made my life that little bit more meaningful, happier, and better overall. You might not agree with them all, but there might be something in here that inspires you to adopt some of them into your life. In no particular order:

  1. Make it difficult to get in contact with you.

  2. Reduce the usage of social media platforms.

  3. Establish a daily workout routine.

  4. Dedicate time to reading a book every day.

  5. Cultivate a daily writing routine.

  6. Prioritize going to bed early and getting 7-8 hours of sleep.

  7. Rise at 5 a.m. on workdays.

  8. Focus on pursuing your dream in the morning.

  9. Invest your best energy in yourself and your future in the morning; give the leftovers to your employer.

  10. Wear the same set of clothes and shoes everyday.

  11. Don't consume alcohol

  12. Take charge of cutting your own hair.

  13. Document all your thoughts and ideas in writing.

  14. Incorporate some form of meditation into your daily routine.

  15. Practice regular self-reflection.

  16. Establish clear goals and a robust daily routine.

  17. Efficiently filter and automate your email inbox and processes.

  18. Allocate 30% of your income to savings and investments (stocks, metals, education). Avoid debt, and live by “If you can’t afford three of them, you can’t afford one of them.“

  19. Dedicate yourself to ongoing learning and regular study.

  20. Consume whole, unprocessed foods—prioritize meat, vegetables, fruits, and nuts; limit bread, cheese, and sugar intake.

  21. Stay hydrated by drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day.

  22. Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing, flossing, and visiting the dentist at least once a year.

  23. Incorporate a daily walk into your routine.

  24. Aim to walk or be in nature daily (visit parks to see vegetation, trees, and grass).

  25. Carry a notebook and pen with you at all times.

  26. Reserve weekends for relaxation, leisure, and quality time with loved ones.

  27. Practice some form of gratitude on a regular basis.

  28. Cultivate empathy and patience for both yourself and others.

  29. Have a hobby just for you (something you will not or can't monetise).

  30. Don't avoid boredom when it arises.


Breaking the burnout cycle, a story of burnout, change, and growth


Philosophy of simplicity, conquering procrastination