A Journey from External to Internal Expression
A.B Watson A.B Watson

A Journey from External to Internal Expression

The more I reflect on the year, the more I find myself not leaving but focusing less and less on photography. I seem to be pulled towards writing, which puzzles me. Have you ever had a passion that consumed your life, like that is all you have thought about and done, to suddenly realize I think I'm in a new chapter of my life?

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Systems vs goals

Systems vs goals

"You don't rise to the level of your goals you fall to the level of your systems" - James ClearSystems vs goals, habits vs dreams, journey vs destination, practice vs performance. You get the idea, systems are like daily habits and goals are like dreams. The best way to reach your dreams is by taking single steps towards it. Each daily step gets you that little bit closer towards your goal.

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Incremental steps

Incremental steps

We have all done new years resolutions. The day before or the week after we all come up with the most stereotype goals, mainly all physical or finical. That first month most of us stick to it. Getting past February is amazing if you're still in there, but here is where most of us lose focus or motivation to continue as we aren't seeing results. Heres how to stick with it till you start seeing results and your goals are achieved.

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Success in photography
Thoughts Thoughts

Success in photography

What does success in photography really even mean? It might be to make a living at photography or to get 10k followers on Instagram. Or perhaps you want to become a part of the Magnum photographers agency. But when we take a closer look at the dictionary meaning of 'success' the meaning is open. So what does it really mean to become a success in photography?

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Deliberate style
Education Education

Deliberate style

There are many forms that make up a personal style in photography. It could be the gear you use, the type of light, your post processing or film. Your style could be determined by the stories you are trying to tell, the philosophy behind your work, concept or message. These are a few of the things that can contribute to a unique style. But are you deliberate with your style? Do you go out of your way to get a consistent look with your photography?

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Does your morning route dictate your success
Thoughts Thoughts

Does your morning route dictate your success

When I think about the word success, I visualise working hard, getting recognition, creating a business, a product or service that hundreds or millions of people use. But what do successful people do to help them achieve their goals, What are their key routine habits that lead them to success?

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