Little habits can change your life
You want to get good at something my advice is to start small and slog away at it every day even when you don't feel like it. Make sure that starting isn't hard, make it as easy as possible. Little effort with the shortest lifespan is how I get good at anything.Photography, the slog is picking up the camera and taking it where ever I go. Writing, simple every time I open up the computer I also open up a notepad or writing app. Working out, simple have weights next to my clothes, and only do a few reps and the weights aren't that heavy. The trick with all is to do it every day thou. Consistency, I'm a morning person I do all my good habits in the morning. A few weights, a few words a simple act of picking up the camera. It's the little habits that make us who we are. A small kind act, asking someone we love how they are. Drinking water in the morning. Going to be at 10 pm. Walking up the stairs instead of the elevator. Smiling at strangers. Reading a book in the evening. Opening a door for someone. Picking that rubbish you see on the floor. Cleaning the dishes while cooking. It's the small things that make us who we are. It's what we normally do on an average day that becomes our life.

Inconsistency is ruining your life
Inconsistency is the opposite of habit. Inconsistency is where you have too many variance or contradictions in what you are currently doing. An example talked to death is a diet plan. You do it for a little while, week, month, then oh my god, who would have thought that you would get back to your original weight after you stopped? Shock horror?! Being inconsistent with your days, your weeks, months and years is a great way of going nowhere. Rather than the contradiction about altering nothing, it's when you keep changing what you are doing that you end up nowhere.

Start where you are
Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can. Doing something now is exceedingly more important than thinking about doing something later. Success is more a product of habit than it is of skills and resources. The great masters of photography used gear that would be considered obsolete for today's standards. If they can capture photographs that influenced people, there is no reason you can't do the same.

Habits make the artist
As artists, we all know what good work looks like. We know it's difficult to achieve good work, but we strive regardless. It can sometimes feel like we are Sisyphus, but instead, we never reach the peak of the mountain. The road to becoming a successful artist however you interpret it can be arduous, for there isn’t a standard path. In our hearts we know we can't just follow a guidebook, mentor or degree to reach it. Which can be frustrating, the not knowing. The passage one must take is unprecedented, a route only an individual can charter through.