No one knows what they are doing
Thoughts Thoughts

No one knows what they are doing

When you realise no one knows what they are doing, and no one has it figured out. and the majority are just regurgitating what they have seen or been taught. Life is real but our reality is entirely fiction. Why is it that if you say something enough time for a substantial period of time you become an expert on the subject? Someone is an expert; know they just did one thing many times. They might not be the best or great but just the fact that they have done that one thing for an extended period of time makes them an expert.

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Why you should read
Inspiration Inspiration

Why you should read

When it comes to reading the written word, the best type of reading that you can do is in the long format of a book. I'm here to tell you how it can change your life for the better. Aside from the normal benefits that we already know about like improved brain connectivity, reduced stress and prevention of cognitive decline. Reading also aids in sleep along with increases your vocabulary and empathy. But we already knew that let's talk about how reading can really benefits your life and why you should read.

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Schooling and education
Education, Thoughts Education, Thoughts

Schooling and education

We often confuse the difference between, schooling and education and one is not necessarily the same as the other. I went to school, I went to university. I have a bachelors degree and an honors degree. What I studied was graphic design, I don't use my degree at all. I'm a studio photographer and writer. All I got out of university what very expensive schooling.

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