I’ve been thinking a lot lately.
Thoughts Thoughts

I’ve been thinking a lot lately.

One of the things I’m really good at is staying in my head, constantly thinking and contemplating.

Everything but doing the work or creating images. And I’ve come to realize that I need to have a narrative to my work. Putting images up on social media is where everyone's eye and attention is. But bite-sized likes and comments aren’t fulfilling me at the moment.

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Why should anyone care about your work?
Education Education

Why should anyone care about your work?

Why should anyone care about your work? Why should someone care about what you are writing about for example? We all think we are special, that we deserve attention, and that what we are doing is the most important thing in the world or our field of expertise. I'm sorry to say this but if the majority of people think this, then it becomes a double negative and makes everything meaningless or not as important as you hoped. So why should someone pay attention to you and your work?

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What is wrong with living a life of mundanity?
Philosophy, Thoughts Philosophy, Thoughts

What is wrong with living a life of mundanity?

What is wrong with living a life of mundanity? Why always strive to make a difference, to create, to have a legacy? Why do we believe that we must be more than what we are? Why do we subconsciously strive to live past our own lifespan? Is it possible to accept our average life like an ant in a colony, a bee in a hive? We are just a tiny aspect. So why do we feel shame and guilt when we just live; and experience, void of productivity?

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No one knows what they are doing
Thoughts Thoughts

No one knows what they are doing

When you realise no one knows what they are doing, and no one has it figured out. and the majority are just regurgitating what they have seen or been taught. Life is real but our reality is entirely fiction. Why is it that if you say something enough time for a substantial period of time you become an expert on the subject? Someone is an expert; know they just did one thing many times. They might not be the best or great but just the fact that they have done that one thing for an extended period of time makes them an expert.

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Inconsistency is ruining your life
Inspiration, Philosophy Inspiration, Philosophy

Inconsistency is ruining your life

Inconsistency is the opposite of habit. Inconsistency is where you have too many variance or contradictions in what you are currently doing. An example talked to death is a diet plan. You do it for a little while, week, month, then oh my god, who would have thought that you would get back to your original weight after you stopped? Shock horror?! Being inconsistent with your days, your weeks, months and years is a great way of going nowhere. Rather than the contradiction about altering nothing, it's when you keep changing what you are doing that you end up nowhere.

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Why take photos
Thoughts Thoughts

Why take photos

It’s a hard and easy question, depending on how deep you want to go.Many people want to capture a moment, archive a memory. Some people want to express themselves or other peoples stories. Some want to show you something, be it a travesty or crime to a shiny object to entice you to buy it. For others capturing a photo is meditative or therapy. We all have our own reasons to capture a photo.

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