Deliberate style
There are many forms that make up a personal style in photography. It could be the gear you use, the type of light, your post processing or film. Your style could be determined by the stories you are trying to tell, the philosophy behind your work, concept or message. These are a few of the things that can contribute to a unique style. But are you deliberate with your style? Do you go out of your way to get a consistent look with your photography?
Find your default focal length
Why did I pick to only photograph with a fixed focal length of 50mm? Easy, Henri Cartier-Bresson used one. But seriously the real reason I picked a fixed focal length at all, aside from sharpness and quality, is it was my default focal length. So how did I find my default focal length?
Deliberate practice
After reading the book 'So good they can’t ignore you' by Cal Newport I found that I personally have plateaued in my photography practice. I’m too comfortable, I find my composition natural and it comes to me like second nature when framing an image inside the viewfinder. After reading Newport’s book I found that I was no longer practising in the sense of training, or stretching my creative mussels. Cal Newport coined the phrase 'deliberate practice', which is exactly what I need to do.
Foster your passion
Most people wouldn't argue that young individuals could excel in a field of their choosing if only the knew what they were passionate about. I would not give the advice 'follow your passion' to young individuals like most inspirational speakers. I would rather say to them foster a passion.
The perfect camera?
I finally found the perfect camera, This camera does everything you could ever need or dream of. From capturing the perfect frame and exposure to developing your skill and photographic eye.
Over time you need less
As I sit outside underneath a tree, I started to think to myself "This is all I need.". Then I dreamt about owning my own house and having a tree in the backyard just like this one. To have my own patch of grass and a tree to give me shade while I sit and ponder life, that would be nice. Then a quickly as the thought came to me, it occurred to me that I don't need to own this dream. There are many trees and patches of grass in the world, why do I need one for just myself? Why do I need anything beyond the necessity for food and shelter?
Tame your ego to find meaning in your photography
"Nobody cares about your photography" - Ted Forbes.Did that upset you, did that hurt your ego? I’m sorry to say this but once you learn to tame your ego, this idiocracy for delusions of grandeur and entitlement the better. When we dampen our ego and accept what we have, and our current social status, we learn the work is more important than getting likes, and the tools we use.
Rekindle your creativity
Do you constantly get into creative ruts. When this happens do you find it hard to get inspired? I simply just can't think of anything creative when this happens to me. What are some things that can get you out of this situation?
I don't have enough time
"You have the same amount of hours in a day as Beyonce." Everyone has the same amount of time, we all work and function around the 24-hour clock. So what's your excuse?Chase Jarvis said it well. "Replace the word I don't have time, with it's not a priority for me right now." When changing this sentence, you will realise what you have prioritised in your life.
Are you a photographer or just a camera operator
When I go to a photography exhibit or show, I find myself looking at similar work. Photographs made from an inkjet printer, that are just stylised archives. Be it a photo of a bird, a photo of a dress, subject or event. Whatever it is, it's just a photograph. A photograph that can be easily duplicated with the simple press of a button. A print on a piece of paper, nothing more, nothing less. But where is the artist's brush stroke? Where is the photographer's unique thumbprint, aside from on top of their shutter button?
Does your morning route dictate your success
When I think about the word success, I visualise working hard, getting recognition, creating a business, a product or service that hundreds or millions of people use. But what do successful people do to help them achieve their goals, What are their key routine habits that lead them to success?
Why I got rid of my photography gear
I had everything I ever needed, all the dream gear, Broncolor lighting, the latest Professional Canon cameras, and all the fastest Canon lenses. I had the latest Apple laptop, C-stands, tripods, all the gear I could ever dream of. I had it all, and at the time it was good. So why did I decide to get rid of everything after only a few years.
Blogging on the go
I try to be as minimalistic as I can when it comes to travel. The less stuff I have to pack and carry the better. At the same time, there are items that make our lives easier. I'm always trying to balance the dilemma between, convenience and essentials.
Being original isn't easy
Quantity always trumps quality. In a book called Art of fear by David Bayles & Ted Orland. They write about an experiment. A ceramics teacher divided a class into two groups. One group would be graded on quantity and the other group on quality. The ones being graded on "quality" produced only one pot. While the "quantity" group was churning out
The internet is killing your photography
What I'm getting at is that the internet is most likely the course of your impotence when it comes to productivity. How many people pick up their smartphones and check something online or in an app in the morning. Instead of picking up a camera and getting a sunrise.
Adapt & endure
Adapt & endure - Out greatest strength is our ability to adapted and endure. We should seek to please a few, rather than the whole.
God complex
A god complex is a way to describe someone who might as well believe they are a god when it comes to a subject or profession they are engrossed in. Thinking they are superior to everyone else when it comes to their profession or subject they know about.
Photography gear addiction
Photography gear addiction - The dangers that come with photography addiction can be more than just taking up your time. This addiction can turn into gear envy which can put a strain on your bank account.
The perfect camera
The perfect camera - Cameras are like cars, vans & trucks. There are so many to choose from, be it performance, price, use, style the list goes on. No matter what model you get there will always be a new one next year. But vehicles all do the same basic thing, they take you from A to B, that's the primary usage. The same can be said for cameras, there are so many to choose from that all look, and do something slightly different.
Show the world what you want
Show the world what you want - If you want to be known as a specialised photographer, you'll need to start presenting yourself as one. The advantage of doing this is over time if you are consistent your audience will get to know you for it.