I'm not shooting enough

I'm not shooting enough

I'm not shooting enough photographs. We have all heard the film argument about how it slows you down and you take fewer photos. I get that, but there is a difference between shooting less and shooting a lot and shooting a lot of the same exact scene. Instead of machinegun photographing a subject, take a photograph and recompose to tell a story. What I'm getting at is I'm not taking enough photographs, I'm not producing enough content.

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Why I use a 50mm lens over a 35mm
Thoughts Thoughts

Why I use a 50mm lens over a 35mm

I've tried many different focal lengths and I have set myself up with only using one, the 50mm. Recently I thought I would quickly (very very very quickly) try out the classic focal length of 35mm. For thous of you that don't know, I only shot with a 50mm. And I have so say… I'm conflicted.

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Life, randomness and sales
Education, Thoughts Education, Thoughts

Life, randomness and sales

We all like to think that life is guided, destiny or gods will. But in truth life is random. The counter-argument is I make my own luck or I have worked hard to get to where I am. I met the love of my life, it was meant to be. But statistically, to find your ideal partner it's only 1 in 100. Knowing this you could successfully find the ideal partner for you to mate with, marry or find your so-called soul mate in the dating game. Not very romantic but never the less true. The same goes for your success, statistics never lie, they just aren't sexy.

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You're focusing on the wrong thing?
Thoughts Thoughts

You're focusing on the wrong thing?

When you think about what we need to focus on, money, our health, family, rent, debt, what camera to use, how to get clients the list can go on forever before even looking at the fundamental elements all photographers need to focus on. Your audience.

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Do what you can't do without
Thoughts Thoughts

Do what you can't do without

Passion is a word that gets thought around all the time in creative fields. Doing what interests you, inspires you or having a hobby is another term. I've been told that turning your passion into a career is the quickest way to kill it. The truth is if its a true passion you can't do without it, you can't go a single day without thinking about it. I'm not talking about sex, food or money I'm talking about something so visceral you have to do it regardless of modern life's priorities.

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Why I use a Leica Rangefinder
Thoughts Thoughts

Why I use a Leica Rangefinder

I’ve had a lot of negative feedback about my choice of a camera when compared to alternative brands and image capture devices. All these judgments are valid and have good arguments in regards to the available choices from DSLR, mirrorless, point and shoots or smartphones for that matter. But I thought I would explain my reasoning on why I use a Leica rangefinder.

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Know who you are
Thoughts Thoughts

Know who you are

After a certain amount of years, you know who you are. It can be through experiences, experimentation, rebellion, music, a book, a person or just time. Knowing who you are is very valuable when it comes to art, how you see the world and express yourself. The truth is there is no path, shortcut or cheat sheet for discovering yourself. I strongly suggest you don't follow someone else in this journey called life, because all you will do is walk in someone else's shadow, and you will never see the light for yourself. Only you can walk the path, only you can trip and get your own scare that will mould you into the person you will become.

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Technology has no soul
Philosophy Philosophy

Technology has no soul

As soon as you start talking about the technical side of photography you start turning away from the most important aspect of photos, telling stories. Technology is and isn't important when it comes to photography. No one care what camera or lighting you used except other photographers. I'm a big believer in the older you get the wiser you get, the less insecure you get, and the less you care about gear. Technology has no soul and here is why.

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Taking a break
Philosophy, Thoughts Philosophy, Thoughts

Taking a break

It's called many things, burnout, a holiday, self-reflection, personal time or recharging your batteries. Whatever you call it, it's OK to step away from your craft, it might even be necessary. For myself, I put the camera down, stoped writing and deleted my social media from my phone for two months, I needed to step away and take a creative break. This is why you might need it too.

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What is the value of a photograph?
Thoughts Thoughts

What is the value of a photograph?

When it comes to art or creativity it's subjective. And art is only worth what your willing to pay for it. One person's monthly income is another persons pocket change. Personal style, preference and tastes vast dramatically from age, culture, social groups and geolocation. So can one find a baseline for what a photo is really worth to the user in today's economy? And answer the question, what is the value of a photograph really worth?

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Your average day
Thoughts Thoughts

Your average day

Your average day dictates your life. Or to put in in other words Your results are based on your average day. Why does this matter, when the argument about work smarter, not harder is so abundant and work the endless work hacks and outsourcing? The truth is, it's your average day that dictates who you are and your success. It's your average day that leads or puts you in a place so you're ready for that big break or that slow grind to the top.

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Take photos, even if no one is looking
Thoughts Thoughts

Take photos, even if no one is looking

Take photos, even if no one is looking, even if they never see anyone else's eyes but your own. I've come to the realisation that social media is the catalyst of something regretful, and that is the need for recognition. I want to break the habit of needing it, the need for approval, recognition and validation. I didn't get into photography because I needed my ego stroked, I got into photography because I love the act of taking a photograph & printing it. When did that reason get replaced along the journey?

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Desire and envy
Thoughts Thoughts

Desire and envy

We have all done it, looked at someone else's work or life and thought that would be nice to have what they have. The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence. But there is one thing that we are forgetting in our moment of envy, that someone out there wishes they had what we have. Our brains are really good at bringing our baseline of emotions, desire and stress to an equilibrium level. This is why lotto winners aren't happier in their lives after reaching financial stability.

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Homage to landscape photography
Thoughts Thoughts

Homage to landscape photography

It’s one of the main draws of landscape photography, being one with nature at peace away from it all. Away from the grind, gossip and insecurities that come from society. But is this solitude being destroyed by the need for a social like? By other creatives replicating what they have already seen.

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Focus on what's important
Thoughts Thoughts

Focus on what's important

Focus on what's important… pun intended. I’m not addressing lens focus or how to get sharp images. I’m sorry if that is your main concern right now in photography. If that is the case just google search tutorials on autofocus, zone focusing or micro-adjustments. When I state 'focus' what I’m expressing concern about is what's the purpose, meaning, emotion or reason for your photographs. What is the function of your photographs aside from displaying an aesthetically pleasing visual?

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Looking back at my first camera
Thoughts Thoughts

Looking back at my first camera

It's a humble experience to find your first camera. The camera that started your journey and curiosity in photography. I was curious to find that almost nothing was different from my old camera, regarding specs. The only main thing that changed was that whole film into digital thing, that's about it. So if the only major change in a camera that was released in 1976 to my current camera was the conversion to digital. Why was my photography so different, from inception to present? It made me wonder, I pondered over this revelation, till it came to me. The most important thing to a photographers development was their experiences.

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Cameras vs Chopsticks
Philosophy, Thoughts Philosophy, Thoughts

Cameras vs Chopsticks

Debating over cameras is like debating over chopsticks and forks. They all do the same basic things, the rest is just measuring minor extremities. A $5,000 car and a $50,000 car both can get you from point A to point B. One just costs more while it massages your ego. I feel that most photographers are missing what is more important than how big their lens is. What is more important is the idea, the meaning, the story behind your work? What are your images about, what are the conveying to the viewer? What are you trying to communicate?

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