There is something all-newcomer photographers tend to do, they either dream of camera gear or buy a lot of it. When I started in photography I went through the same thing. I thought that I needed all the lenses that my idols used, I believed I needed the biggest megapixel camera, with all the film features just in case a potential client wanted video. But over time with age came wisdom.

I don't have enough time
"You have the same amount of hours in a day as Beyonce." Everyone has the same amount of time, we all work and function around the 24-hour clock. So what's your excuse?Chase Jarvis said it well. "Replace the word I don't have time, with it's not a priority for me right now." When changing this sentence, you will realise what you have prioritised in your life.

God complex
A god complex is a way to describe someone who might as well believe they are a god when it comes to a subject or profession they are engrossed in. Thinking they are superior to everyone else when it comes to their profession or subject they know about.

The perfect camera
The perfect camera - Cameras are like cars, vans & trucks. There are so many to choose from, be it performance, price, use, style the list goes on. No matter what model you get there will always be a new one next year. But vehicles all do the same basic thing, they take you from A to B, that's the primary usage. The same can be said for cameras, there are so many to choose from that all look, and do something slightly different.