When you have nothing to say or do, no compulsion to create, act, be... is that a good thing?
When I think about not needing to say anything, share my opinion, or do something creative, give back to the world. A strong need to do, act, make something — is that a good thing? I have realised that I haven't been creating anything, and it's because I'm content with this time and place I'm in?
I don't have a grave desire to do a side-hustle or anything that means I'm hiding an internal dread of becoming poor. I don't have a lot of money, but at the same time, I don't want or care for any more.
I could die now and be happy.
Is that contentment or stagnation.
I honestly don't know.
Have you ever felt like you don't need or want anything, to become anything more than who you already are? Have you ever just exhaled a breath from your full lungs and thought, this is enough, I'm OK, I'm happy.
Sure the world is falling apart around us, and family and personal health isn't amazing. But that's OK and you accept this, everything will fall into place. Nothing is permanent, the world will continue spinning and revolving around the sun. And nothing I do really matters and that wonderful.
I literally have no desire for fame fortune or a legacy.
I'm just content living out my short meaningless life, being content.
And accepting whatever happens to me.
When you have no more desires, or ambitions is that a good thing?
Or am I just getting older and no longer care anymore.
Or am I just happy?