What is consciousness, beyond the self?
I know this is a stupid statement and thought experiment, I'm about to make, but it has made me pondering the elusive nature of consciousness, a philosophical conundrum surfaces: is consciousness exclusive to organic life - the state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings – prompts us to question whether the prerequisite of a subjective "self" is essential for consciousness.
Three essential reading tips for newcomers to philosophy: enhancing their reading, learning, and comprehension of philosophy
Learning philosophy is no easy feat.
These three tips will help you read better, learn, process, and implement the teachings from the greatest minds ever to walk this earth, philosophers. I have read books written by the earliest philosophers in history like Epictetus, Confucius, Lao Tzu, all the way through the ages to contemporary philosophers of our time like Slavoj Žižek and Alain De Botton. After reading philosophy over my lifetime, I have found these three tips the most essential in becoming a student of philosophy.
Learning the hard way from obedience to understanding
The chancellor of Germany, Otto von Bismarck (1871-1890), said, “Only a fool learns from his own mistakes; the wise man learns from the mistakes of others.”
This has made me think of all the times in my life that I have learned the hard way. By making my own mistakes and going through the emotions and pain to learn firsthand what I was already informed would happen. As a kid, teen, and young adult, our egos are forming. We think we know what is best, and we treat our older generations like they are stupid.
Where, in fact, they have already been there..
Introverts living in an extroverts world, and how to navigate it
We live in a time where you are surrounded by people, and are forced to work alongside new individuals. Some of us experience this daily, others per project. Even going on errands, you have to interact with people you have never met before. This forces a certain etiquette called small talk or, at times, having to speak up and fight for your ideas and voice to be heard.
The fallacy of success
Be careful when you measure success because then you're also measuring failure. I say a better way to approach it is to just do the thing. If you enjoy it, great, keep doing it. If you don't like it or don't benefit from it, then find a different method or approach. Worst-case scenario, do something else. The idea of being so serious, that we need to make, improve, be the best, is totally rubbish and robs us in terms of enjoyment. Being the best is just fulfilling your ego's desires, not your soul's. So what are we to do?
A journey to become a writer, from shutter to manuscript
Like most people, we all want to be something, do something great. Some want to become astronauts, actors, YouTubers, fashion designers, models, scientists, psychologists. Some of us want a legacy, to leave something behind, to speak out to the world and say, "I was here." Like a tree trunk etched with one's initials from a lover's knife. As for me, I wanted to become a photographer, and for the past 10 years, I've been just that. Now, I want to become a writer. So, what does one do when they want to become something? They get educated. So, I've watched tutorials, online videos, read books on the subject, and even watched movies. To learn as much as I can, like Neo being plugged in, but I've failed before I've even begun.
The era of open access education
Knowledge is power, but we have hit a wall regarding access to knowledge. It's accessible anywhere you have an internet connection, not to mention a public library card. The world and everything we know about it are almost free. In saying this, jobs that require gatekeeping knowledge will become a thing of the past. Where do we go from here when it comes to education then?
Why do we procrastinate, and how to overcome it? Five strategies to overcome the pillars of procrastination
Procrastination, a common challenge that hinders productivity, shows up in three areas: Fear, Energy Levels, and Reward. Let's look closely at these things, figuring out the reasons that make it hard for us to get things done. Fear, an old part of our brains from way back, now makes it tough to do tasks in our everyday lives. When we talk about Energy Levels, which really affect procrastination, we highlight how taking care of ourselves with enough rest and good food is very important
Remember the comfort zone is a nice place to be, but nothing ever grows there. Doubt, fear, procrastination, excuses, are all doing a great job in keeping us there.
The paradox of fear and creation
Why is it easier to research and study than it is to create, to make, and sometimes, I feel, to be? For the lucky few, creating comes naturally, you just do it, create, be, make, and do. For some of us, the creating is the hard part. But in truth, this is a lie, and I'll tell you why.
Comfort vs personal growth, unlocking your potential
Embracing comfort has its allure, offering peace and tranquillity, but I've come to realise that true growth lies beyond the boundaries of contentment.
It's easy to settle into the familiar, to find solace in complacency, but in doing so, I've noticed a lack of progress, a stagnation in my personal journey. Yes, I am whole and healed, free from the clutches of stress and anxiety. Financially, I may not be thriving, and I often find myself running out of budget by the end of the month.
However, being merely "okay" is not enough. It's a state of stagnancy, a plateau where nothing evolves or transforms. Comfort, in essence, isn't ruining my life, but it has made me complacent.
It's time to acknowledge that staying within the confines of what's comfortable is hindering personal growth. So, if you resonate with this sentiment, let us explore ways to break free from the shackles of complacency and embark on a journey of self-improvement.
Accepting cognitive dissonance
Individuals willing to confront the discomfort that cognitive dissonance introduces into one's life are a measure of one's character. This psychological phenomenon, involving the simultaneous existence of opposing ideas or reasons for a particular outcome, signifies an openness to different perspectives and the potential for intellectual growth.
Use all your best energy on yourself and give the leftovers to your employer
So you've just finished work. On the commute home, you want to do something for yourself, your future—be it writing, art, a side-hustle, or the gym, whatever it may be. However, when you get home, you're overwhelmed with how tired you are. Your employer and customers have just drained you of all your energy and soul. Additionally, you have to cook dinner, clean the house, and do the laundry. There just isn't enough time and energy to get out of this hole you're in. So how does one do the extraordinary and conjure up the muse to help you execute when inspiration strikes? But your batteries are flat, and the only energy you can muster is for recovery. What is someone to do?
It's in the quiet; that's when the work gets done
It's in the quiet; that's when the work gets done.
It's when you're quiet, alone, and have no distractions that you are truly yourself.
It's in the still moments that our minds become at ease.
That our thoughts start turning and speaking and making noise.
A lot of that noise is useless, distractions.
But after the noise has settled, the ideas and inspiration shine through.
Our right to liberty in this hyper-productive culture; Why we are losing our humanity in the age of productivity
What you're doing right now—is it a distraction or helping you achieve your desired outcome? We are immersed in a routine, habit, productivity, self-improvement economy. I can't emphasize this enough: you are not a Fortune 500 company; you do not have to improve every quarter! You do not have to please shareholders or a CEO regarding your growth, profit margins, or capital when it comes to you as an individual. You are a fuck'n human being. You are a person that needs a social life, relaxation, leisure, and recovery. You are not a machine; you are not a company; you don't have to grow or have higher outputs.
"But in order to possess and exploit something, you must first regard it as an object." - Jason Hickel
I’ve been thinking a lot lately.
One of the things I’m really good at is staying in my head, constantly thinking and contemplating.
Everything but doing the work or creating images. And I’ve come to realize that I need to have a narrative to my work. Putting images up on social media is where everyone's eye and attention is. But bite-sized likes and comments aren’t fulfilling me at the moment.
The real art of relaxation, breaking free from doom-scrolling for mental health
What do you do when you are tired, and the last thing you want to do is be productive?
Those moments when all you crave is some junk food and a chance to sit down, put your feet up, and doom-scroll for a bit. But at the same time, you want to take care of yourself, you know that that bag of chips, that glass of wine, and that app aren't good for you. At the same time in these moments, the thought of reading or having a meaningful conversation seems energy-draining. What does one do in such situations? I would suggest going for a walk and embracing the potential boredom that might set in.
Now, you might wonder, why on earth would you choose to do that?
The hidden costs of taking life's easy route
I'm not too sure what we should call it; some say it's magic, others manifestations, a majority call it quantum physics, and a decent amount might call it God.
One thing I know for sure is that you are what you think. I mean right down to your very core, your logos. The part of you that isn't lying, that isn't putting on a façade, your subconscious, the real primitive you. You have the power; you always did and still do.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein.
I believe that mindset is everything, beyond the physical. Your mind is who you are; it's everything you are, have been, and will be. The saddening reality is that very few of us use it to its full potential.
Why is it that whenever we are bored, we'd rather release dopamine into our brains from a mindless action than serotonin from exercise?
Stop looking for your passion and purpose in life and do this instead
The more I learn about passion and finding one's purpose to give meaning to our lives, the more I realize it is a fallacy.
Finding your passion, your purpose, and doing what you love, and enjoying what you are doing to pass the time, are the exact same thing. It's just worded differently, and because of that, it's far easier to obtain.
Pursuing meaningful Action regardless of outcome
In moments of reflection, this question consistently occupies my thoughts. Is this it? What else can I do? My mind swirls with possibilities, from writing that book to posting that video. Yet, lingering doubts always surface. Who is watching? Does anyone even care about my words, videos, or photos?
These questions, laced with self-doubt, are not the ones that lead to fulfillment; rather, they foster pessimism. Instead, we should ask ourselves: What would I do if I didn't care what happened?
Why your work isn't been seen, liked, shared and the reason why no one is following you
So you want to start something; you want to get good, learn new skills, find out what equipment is required, and what knowledge is essential to start. So, you start consuming—you start watching tutorials, videos, listening to experts in the field. You start following guides. And after a while, you realise, this isn't working; you're doing all the things by the book, and nothing is sticking. Let me tell you why it's not working, why everything you're doing isn't going to plan like the experts promised.