The dangers of aspiring to be a perfect person
Philosophy, Thoughts Philosophy, Thoughts

The dangers of aspiring to be a perfect person

Be it a healthy person regarding fitness, eating habits. Being it a time-efficient hustler, and productive person. Or be it minimalist, aspiring to consume less and aspire to have only long-lasting high-quality items. To the spiritual or person of faith that preaches their belief without request. There is something about these people that isn't quite right. Something about somebody that labels themselves as (insert aspiration here), that rubs me the wrong way and that is they are generally speaking assholes.

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Thoughts Thoughts


I'm attracted to the romanticism of academia and minimalism from the 1960s-70s. I can't help it, but be drawn to these aesthetics. Film photography, writing in journals with an ink pen, reading physical books, drinking tea or simple talking walks and talking about philosophy. So why is it that we struggle to let go of the past or hold onto the past as if it was better than where we are now? To put it simple why do we romanticise the past?

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The best point-and-shoot camera I've owned
Education, Thoughts Education, Thoughts

The best point-and-shoot camera I've owned

I've been around for a while; all 36 years, and during that time I've accumulated and used a number of point-and-shoot cameras, from the film days to the adoption of digital. And I can honestly say after using, Yashica, Ricoh, Leica, Fuji, Kodak, Olympic, Canon & Contex my favourite point-and-shoot camera can be summed up into these categories; ease of use, quality, features and size. It would have to be the…

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What's in my camera bag
Inspiration, Thoughts Inspiration, Thoughts

What's in my camera bag

Like all of us, I carry around a few things every day in my bag. Be it going to work, for a walk or trip. I wanted to share what I can't leave home without, why I choose these particular items, for everyday use and the essentials I need when leaving the house.There is something about having a neckless or watch that you wear every day and that one day you forget it you feel naked. Like something is off; not quite right. And these few items I can't leave without, I would rather be late leaving the front door than going outside without them. It's not that I need them to live or for my job, but rather for comfort. Like a morning coffee or newspaper. Here they are in no particular order.

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Walking to work
Inspiration, Philosophy Inspiration, Philosophy

Walking to work

After dealing with a period of depression I decided to go back to my roots and the way things were. And one of the transitions was walking to work again in the morning. Now walking to work is a privilege I know this. At the same time, it is tremendously time-consuming. I lose about two hours of my day walking, where I could save that by driving to work or taking public transport. But the time vs cost against reward is so worth it and where is what I get out by adding 2 hours of me to my commute.

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Let your subconscious take over your photographs
Education, Thoughts Education, Thoughts

Let your subconscious take over your photographs

Once you subconsciously realise that when you are taking photos without a desire or theme; it's then when we go through our edit and our archive that we start to see melodies throughout our work. Be a spectator to your instances, and let go of theory, rules and guidelines. That is when you start to notice your voice was there all along hidden in your spontaneous subconscious mind.

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Photography is selling us a lie
Philosophy, Thoughts Philosophy, Thoughts

Photography is selling us a lie

When it comes to what photography is predominantly used for in our society, documentation; or to put it simply to sell us a feeling or product. An extraordinary amount of advertisements focus on three emotional components to manipulate us. This idea is that whatever they are selling will bring us happiness, love, status or luxury. But advertisements wouldn’t work well if they focused on what we really need. Is advertisement or our focus photography selling us a lie?

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The great debate
Education Education

The great debate

Film vs Digital. Full frame vs Cropped sensor & fixed vs zoom lenses. Which is best and which one should you use or get? I'm going to put this debate to rest with real-world states and in-field options from professional uses.

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A fresh start
Thoughts Thoughts

A fresh start

A new system and a fresh start. These past two years I had a News Years resolution to do less, and play more. What I didn't realise was that what I stopped doing was what brought joy to my life. And playing games isolated me more and removed me from responsibilities. So like a good person in a capitalist society I purchased a new/old camera.

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No one knows what they are doing
Thoughts Thoughts

No one knows what they are doing

When you realise no one knows what they are doing, and no one has it figured out. and the majority are just regurgitating what they have seen or been taught. Life is real but our reality is entirely fiction. Why is it that if you say something enough time for a substantial period of time you become an expert on the subject? Someone is an expert; know they just did one thing many times. They might not be the best or great but just the fact that they have done that one thing for an extended period of time makes them an expert.

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Time anxiety
Thoughts Thoughts

Time anxiety

Reflecting on New year's resolutions in August I've been thinking about life, yearly goals and aspirations. The choose to focus on having fun over ambition and capitalism progress and guilt for not improving or self-improvement or having a side hustle. I ask you have you kept up your new year's resolution?

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Where ever you go there you are
Thoughts Thoughts

Where ever you go there you are

Where ever you go there you are. People dream of living in the countryside, a nice house or even a fancy high-rise apartment. People dream of having a better job or certain items in their life, and they think that these things will bring them peace, contentment, joy and happiness. And they will, for a time. But no matter where you are or where you want to be, you will always be who you are. That will not change.

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Why minimalism won't save the planet
Inspiration, Thoughts Inspiration, Thoughts

Why minimalism won't save the planet

Have you heard the saying minimalist or minimalism? The word minimalism described an art movement in the 1960s regarding artists like Donald Judd, Agnes Martin or Carl Andre. The interesting thing is many of the artists didn't relish being called minimalist artists or identify it as a movement at all. The idea around their artistic aesthetic was a reduction of the abstract movement favouring the literal.The word minimalism has been construed from its original form into an aesthetic that is desired in consumer culture. Mainly in high-end products away from the middle to low-income households. This is because the minimalist lifestyle is a preference to own less, rather than the economic struggles of lower wealth classes. Minimalism has become a status symbol, represented mainly by White European or Asian ethnicities.

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Why you should read
Inspiration Inspiration

Why you should read

When it comes to reading the written word, the best type of reading that you can do is in the long format of a book. I'm here to tell you how it can change your life for the better. Aside from the normal benefits that we already know about like improved brain connectivity, reduced stress and prevention of cognitive decline. Reading also aids in sleep along with increases your vocabulary and empathy. But we already knew that let's talk about how reading can really benefits your life and why you should read.

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Needless consumption
Inspiration, Philosophy Inspiration, Philosophy

Needless consumption

Maybe you have heard of these words going around. Needless consumption, endless consumption, responsible consumption, zero waste, eco friendly, sustainability, green, recycled, materialistic lifestyle or minimalism. In short, these are the current marketing buzzwords targeting environmental impacts. Or words that make us feel good when a company says their products are sustainable, recycled or whatever bull-shit they are using to make you buy their products.Needless consumption or a consumer's morels are constructed on not valuing a person on 1. How they care. 2. Their creativity. 3. Or the strength of their community. Instead, we value ourselves on how many commodities we have. This also pushes us away from ethical questions on how those commodities are made or the well being they have on communities. The number one priority of a company is to make more profit.

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What would happen if my home burnt down
Philosophy, Story, Thoughts Philosophy, Story, Thoughts

What would happen if my home burnt down

Recently I was talking to my wife about what would happen if our home burnt down. And reflecting on this. The only thing that I would be worried about is losing all my hard drives filled with photographs of our memories. Everything else I couldn't care about. Like if our home burnt down, I wouldn't be sad or angry, I'd just be annoyed that I needed to call the insurance company and do all that paperwork. I literally have no attachments to the thing in our home. And my wife said, "I wouldn't call that a flex, like that's sad." But in my mind it isn't and here is why.

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Little habits can change your life
Inspiration Inspiration

Little habits can change your life

You want to get good at something my advice is to start small and slog away at it every day even when you don't feel like it. Make sure that starting isn't hard, make it as easy as possible. Little effort with the shortest lifespan is how I get good at anything.Photography, the slog is picking up the camera and taking it where ever I go. Writing, simple every time I open up the computer I also open up a notepad or writing app. Working out, simple have weights next to my clothes, and only do a few reps and the weights aren't that heavy. The trick with all is to do it every day thou. Consistency, I'm a morning person I do all my good habits in the morning. A few weights, a few words a simple act of picking up the camera. It's the little habits that make us who we are. A small kind act, asking someone we love how they are. Drinking water in the morning. Going to be at 10 pm. Walking up the stairs instead of the elevator. Smiling at strangers. Reading a book in the evening. Opening a door for someone. Picking that rubbish you see on the floor. Cleaning the dishes while cooking. It's the small things that make us who we are. It's what we normally do on an average day that becomes our life.

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