Hero story
Thoughts Thoughts

Hero story

Everyone wants the hero story, everyone wants to be entertained by the extraordinary. The amazing, the talented. But in reality, the extraordinary is a lifetime of doing the same thing over and over again. The hero is a person who didn't ask for glory but was forced onto it through pain and trials.

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The four agreements
Philosophy, Thoughts Philosophy, Thoughts

The four agreements

Ever thought about what makes you a good person? What makes you fare and judge. These four agreements do just that. Not in the eyes of others but to yourself. Only we can live our lives and live it true to ourselves. If someones say something is wrong, or not allowed, it's not because it is true but because that goes against the rules they themselves asset upon themselves. So ask yourself that is it that makes you good?

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Schooling and education
Education, Thoughts Education, Thoughts

Schooling and education

We often confuse the difference between, schooling and education and one is not necessarily the same as the other. I went to school, I went to university. I have a bachelors degree and an honors degree. What I studied was graphic design, I don't use my degree at all. I'm a studio photographer and writer. All I got out of university what very expensive schooling.

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Pomodoro technique
Education Education

Pomodoro technique

Want to start a habit, or get a job done. Can't seem to get the energy to start because it just seems too overwhelming or hard. I hear yea, same here. I struggle to be productive sometimes. I can't think of any ideas, or what to do or make. So how does someone without any ideas start, and keep going, and reach that flow state? By using the Pomodoro technique.

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Why do we always go back to our default?
Thoughts Thoughts

Why do we always go back to our default?

What do I mean by this? default in the dictionary terms means to fail financially. But in terms of creativity, it means to me, your normal, your nature, your baseline, your go-to. And as creative's, we strive to better ourselves, push the bounders to express or change the way we see and think all the time. So why do most of us, do the same thing over and over again. Why are we so consistent with our default way of creating?

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Creativity is it pure?
Thoughts Thoughts

Creativity is it pure?

It's hard just pumping out content all the time, making art and expressing yourself to no end. But for some reason, we feel completed to do it. For strangers to see, look at, feel, appreciate and share. We all have good intentions to tell our story to show the world how we see it. But deep down, we all know the truth, our intentions are selfish and narcissistic. Let me explain.

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Hello world
Thoughts Thoughts

Hello world

Hello world, it’s been a while. It’s been one hell of a year that has passed us. And during this year of turmoil, I was absent. I’m sorry for not informing you of what I was up to, or why is switched off. I went silent during this world pandemic, Covid-19 was an emotional roll a coaster for myself and everyone around me.For us, in New Zealand, our government took away our liberties, but we were all willing. Sacrificing temporary freedom was a no brainer. We were only allowed to go outside for exercise and buying essential goods. Travel was restricted and quickly two weekends of lockdown turned into months. Work stopped, income for many of us halted. I desperately wanted to document our country during this pandemic, but the only registered journalists were allowed to go outside and on the empty street.

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Systems vs goals
Education, Philosophy Education, Philosophy

Systems vs goals

"You don't rise to the level of your goals you fall to the level of your systems" - James ClearSystems vs goals, habits vs dreams, journey vs destination, practice vs performance. You get the idea, systems are like daily habits and goals are like dreams. The best way to reach your dreams is by taking single steps towards it. Each daily step gets you that little bit closer towards your goal.

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Living for the likes

Living for the likes

Problems arise when you stop living and creating for yourself and start living a lifestyle and create content for your viewers or audience instead of yourself. This is where it stops being about life and a passion for creating and starts becoming a monetization burden if you stop. Creating for what gets the most likes or engagement, can snowball insecurity about your audience leaving you if you stop. This is false, and let me tell you why.

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Just start and get better later
Inspiration Inspiration

Just start and get better later

Analysis paralysis or plain old fear. Fear of being judged, fear of being ridiculed, fear of failure, fear of not meeting your expectations, plain old fear. Instead of contemplating and overthinking everything to the point of analysis paralysis. Which later turns into a crippling fear, a fear that stops you moving forward towards your dream. Just start and get better later!

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Gear isn't finite
Thoughts Thoughts

Gear isn't finite

I'm going to show you what gear I use. And I also want you to know that gear isn't finite, it changes over time. And that all this gear that you see in front of you, sure it helps in capturing a picture but it's not the end all be all. Gear, settings, controls, styles, are all concerns of the hobbyist and amateur, they are good to know and important but they aren't what makes a picture great. the story, the meaning, the purpose is what makes an image.

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Why you need to be a photographer
Education, Inspiration Education, Inspiration

Why you need to be a photographer

No one sees the world quite like you. No one is as unique as you. We all have a story, even if we think that story is boring another person might find inspiration or fascination from your unique perspective of this world. If only that, you need to pick up that camera and start showing us what you see. If that's not enough, here are some reason you need to be a photographer.

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'The decisive moment' is killing photography
Thoughts Thoughts

'The decisive moment' is killing photography

The fallacy around 'The decisive moment' is killing photography. Focusing on the one perfect photograph. The image that captures it all. A photograph that not only says a thousand words but a narrative too is in truth, a unicorn, a fallacy, a dream. So why is the decisive moment killing photography?

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Insta style is death
Education, Inspiration Education, Inspiration

Insta style is death

Recently I came to the realisation that my work doesn't have a consistent style. My images are cohesive, recognisable but not consistent. I was looking at artists I admire and seeing there work and thinking that their photographic style isn't consistent either. Many photographers body of work is generally all over the place from project to project. When comparing old master photographers to current photographers I liked, the newer photographers work was more consistent, recognisable and stylistic. But Everything I just thought was wrong, I was so wrong here's why.

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Bear your soul
Philosophy, Thoughts Philosophy, Thoughts

Bear your soul

Bear your soul through your lens. Become vulnerable by showing your true self, the person you are scared to reveal. Try to stop carrying about what avatars think and say. Stop looking at an infinite feed of individual images that tell no story. Because when you start focusing on getting attention on these platforms you lose yourself, and you lose your creativity. Bear your soul and do it regardless if anyone is watching or not. Because if you need to think to create, I suggest you stop thinking.

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Making something out of nothing
Inspiration, Thoughts Inspiration, Thoughts

Making something out of nothing

The world is in a very strange, scaring and uncertain place right now. I'm lucky enough for the time being to be alive and safe at home. As I'm writing this, I'm living in New Zealand, our borderers are closed, the whole country is in lockdown and no one's leaving their homes. Police are patrolling the streets and to go anywhere, one needs permission or a pass given by the government. All because of Covid-19. But out of all this negative, scary time in history, there is a small positive… we all have been given time.

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Incremental steps

Incremental steps

We have all done new years resolutions. The day before or the week after we all come up with the most stereotype goals, mainly all physical or finical. That first month most of us stick to it. Getting past February is amazing if you're still in there, but here is where most of us lose focus or motivation to continue as we aren't seeing results. Heres how to stick with it till you start seeing results and your goals are achieved.

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How to find your photography style fast?
Education, Philosophy Education, Philosophy

How to find your photography style fast?

How to find your photography style fast? Let's not waste any time, what is the most important element in someone's photography style? The quick answer is repetition. What do you do the most and consistently, that will define your style. What comes naturally to you will ultimately become your style. Your default, or to put nicely who you really are and how you see the world will ultimately mould your photography style.

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What are you selling?
Thoughts Thoughts

What are you selling?

We are all here, and like it or not we are all selling something. What are you selling? What are you doing or creating to sell, produce, service, obtain, give, get, share? We all provide something to this world be it for colleges or customers. It's a very capitalist view of the world but its true. What are you selling?

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